Neuralink Co-Founder Predicts Humanity Will Be “Doomed”

Neuralink Co-Founder Predicts Humanity Will Be “Doomed”: The late Neuralink co-founder Max Hodak has a profound influence on the fate of humanity: Robot rebellion is inevitable, and they will leave humans in the dust.

The key to their argument, which is a bit hard to follow, is that AI will not follow humanity’s preconceptions about political and economic models for society.

late Neuralink co-founder Max
Late Neuralink co-founder Max Hodak

“Humans are objectively bad with socialism (and conversely, capitalism is surprisingly effective at advancing humanity),” he wrote in a tweet, “but machines reason about their identities and communities differently.”

Such inconsistency can lead to some irreconcilable differences.

“We are going to get so wrecked,” he said.

The kinds of value systems that humans have used to structure societies throughout history – regardless of their success in bringing about meaningful change – may not be relevant any time soon.

“Idk, I think the broader point is just that machines can have a lot more flexibility on the way we organize ourselves,” Hodak contemplated in a follow-up tweet. “It takes generations to advance cognitive technology in human society.”

The news came in May after Hodak left-brain implant startup Neuralink, a company he co-founded with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

I’m no longer on Neuralink (until a few weeks ago),” he wrote in a mysterious tweet at the time. “I learned a ton there and continue to be a huge cheerleader for the company! Move on to new things.”

Neuralink has tasked itself with developing brain-computer interfaces—presumably, given Hodak’s work at Neuralink, which aimed to blur the line between human and machine, making his recent observations all the more interesting.

For Musk, that has always been priority number one. The billionaire CEO has said time and again that machines are finally coming to pick us up, a warning sign that should prompt us to get ahead of the problem with cutting-edge technologies.

In fact, Neuralink’s entire mission statement is “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

Whether humanity’s advances in AI and robotics will allow us to come up with new ways to reorganize ourselves to deal with an increasingly tilted future remains to be seen. Perhaps Hodak is right in assuming that such a shift could take an entire generation.

Machines, on the other hand, are starting from scratch. And if it ever comes to arranging ourselves without our input—the singularity, really—that could certainly lead to our demise.

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Information Source: Futurism

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